Spectacle & Line Blinds

We offer a wide range of spectacle blinds, spacers and blanks manufacture to API standards and B31.3 specifications. We are capable of handling size ranges from 1″ – 150 lbs class to 36″ – 2500 lbs class.702. We also manufacture bleed rings and lateral joints also.

Types of Line Blinds
Line Blinds come in three basic forms with different names. These names include Spectacle Blinds, Figure Eights, Paddle Blinds, Skillet Blinds, Spades, and so on. These names describe particular devices used to isolate or “turn off” portions of piping systems. Line blinds can be used together with a valve or instead of a valve. At the right, we see an installed spectacle blind in the “open” position.Open spectacle blind

Spectacle Blinds

Spectacle & Line Blinds
Spectacle & Line Blinds

The line blind shown in use on the right is a spectacle blind or figure 8. In the small picture on the left you can see one of these blinds by itself. The name spectacle blind or figure 8 is due to it’s shape. The spectacle blind has both an open and a closed position. The spectacle blind is sometimes sold split into it’s two parts, the line blank, and the ring spacer.

Line BlanksFlange spreader with a line blank and two gasket

By itself, the solid side of the spectacle blind is called a line blank, skillet blind, paddle blank, paddle blind, or spade. Whether as half a spectacle blind or used by itself, the line blank forms a positive shut-off. The line is a “wafer style” device, meaning it fits inside the bolt hole circle. To the right you can see a flange spreader being used to prepare a pair of flanges to accept a line blank and two gaskets. In order to maintain the spacing of the flanges when the line is open, a ring spacer is used.

Ring Spacer

Figure 8 open position spec blind
Figure 8 open position spec blind

Ring spacers also fit “wafer style” but have a hole, or bore, to allow free flow of the material inside the pipe. The ring spacer is simply there to maintain the gap between the flanges when the line blank is not present.


Design Specifications

Paddle blanks, spacers and spectacle blinds may be purchased using carbon steel, 304 SS, 316 SS or any material which the customer may specify. Also several finishes are available as follows: smooth mill machined or serrated finish. All of our blanks are produced according to the thickness required in the ASME Code, B31.3-1987 edition. Regarding blanks section 304.5.3 specifies that the plate thickness shall be equal to
where d = inside diameter of gasket, P = design pressure, SE = allowable stress. Our blanks are designed to withstand any pressure-temperature combination listed in the ASA B16.5 flange design specifications. All ring joint dimensions and tolerances are in accordance with ASA B16.5 and B16.20. Octagonal rings are furnished unless oval rings are specified on male ring joint blanks. All blanks may be ordered with an eye-bolt welded to one end of the spectacle blind for support during installation.

Please contact our engineering department for custom design blanks. Our computerized stress analysis programs are always ready to meet our client needs.

Normally A 285 Gr C plate is furnished for carbon steel up to and sometimes through 2″ thickness; A 515 Gr 70 plate, A 181 Class I or II forging, and A 105 Class I or II forging are normally furnished for high pressures or large line blinds.
Other carbon steel, low-alloy steel, stainless steel, or practically any alloy can be furnished.

Advise delivery required because sometimes plate can be used for a 2 to 4 week delivery. Forgings for say a 8 week delivery at a lower price than plate can be supplied, particularly on blinds 2″ and over in thickness.

• Practically any alloy or special line blind can be furnished
• Carbon steel blinds have one shop coat of paint
• Tie bar and handle thickness is one half of blind thickness (minimum approximately)
• On all alloy blinds, handles and tie bars are carbon steel unless specifically requested.
• All blinds and spacers shown fit ASA B16.5 flanges. J dimension on male octagonal blind is 1/16″ more than half of the height of an octagonal ring joint gasket
• Sizes 1/2″ through 48″ and larger can be furnished
